Okanna means big plane in Japanese. Welcome to my blog, where it's all about wood, from trees to tools, techniques, Japan, Taiwan, China and elsewhere, people, craftmen and ... HANDS. 日本の友達、鍛治屋と台屋、職人、削ろう会の友達:このブログようこそ。すみません、私の日本語が下手です。 台灣朋友好!我的部落格是有關於:手動木工工具,木頭,台灣的木頭,...台灣,日本和中國木工的關係... Don't forget to check out the archives, there's much more there.
Hello, I've been living in Taiwan since 2003. Amateur woodworker since I was kid, discovered the "hand tool" side of woodworking in Taiwan and Japan. I have a deep interest in human relationship and decided to share what I learn from life, people and books.